Sunday, May 26, 2013


The boys can't get enough of Metta.  They love her and play well with her.  Sometimes too much and they drive miss Metta bonkers!  Zeb, for whatever reason, decided Metta should start a conga line.  Ike joined right in and they laughed and laughed.  (And ignored mom who wanted everyone in the car).

Why does Ike have a bike helmet on?

Everyone knows how Leisy can't pass up a yard sale.  She has uncanny sense to spot great deals and has saved us a ton of money buying things second hand.  The other day she found unopened bike helmets for the boys for really cheap and Ike was in heaven!  He put it on right when he got home, rode his little scooter down the driveway like he was invincible, and refused to take it off.  He went to a soccer game wearing the helmet and people kept asking what happened to his head.  He even asked to sleep in it.  


  1. So funny! (The bike helmet - I can't watch the video for some reason -- I'll try on another computer later). Ike can totally rock that helmet. :)

  2. Finally watched the video! SO DANG cute!

  3. So stinkin' Cute. Metta is right in there - keeping up. Love how Leisy is all business; not going to allow for messing around when its time to go. Hahaha; very funny.
