Sunday, July 22, 2012

Diabetes Camp

Midnight and 3AM blood sugar checks!

I just completed the most exhausting 7 days of my life!  I signed up to go to Diabetes Camp this year and loved every second of it.  I did a month of Endocrine during my first year of residency and loved it.  I became interested in everything I saw in clinic and wanted to get more exposure - so I left Leisy home alone with sick kids for 7 days to take care of diabetic kids at their camp.  I was in charge of monitoring their blood sugars and dosing insulin and taking care of problems.  That meant I got up at midnight and 3AM to make sure they weren't too low or too high.  I was in charge of the 7-9 year old kids.  Have you ever had to wake up a sleeping 8 year old at 3AM to make them eat??  If their sugar was too low I had to feed them in the middle of the night.  I struggled to keep them awake long enough to chew some food and take a drink of apple juice.  They never remembered eating the next morning and would laugh and giggle when I told them stories of them falling to sleep with food in their mouths.  It was a great learning experience and had some exciting adventures.  

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's a grueling schedule. Glad you had a good time. What a great thing for those kids. You have always been so good with kids. I'm sure they are better prepared to deal with their diabetes. Hope little Metta is doing better.
