To finish off my week of vacation I decided to join a group of friends and compete in the Tough Mudder! What is the Tough Mudder??
From their website: "Tough Mudder events are hardcore 10-12 mile obstacle courses designed by British Special Forces to test your all around strength, stamina, mental grit, and camaraderie. By running a Tough Mudder challenge, you’ll unlock a true sense of accomplishment, have a great time, and discover a camaraderie with your fellow participants that’s experienced all too rarely these days.To get through mud, fire, ice-water, and 10,000 volts of electricity you’ll need teammates to pick you up when your spirits dip. To get over 12 foot walls and through underground mud tunnels, you’ll need teammates to give you a boost and a push. Tough Mudders are team players who make sure no one gets left behind."
Here is my amazing team - Saints and Soldiers - a group of people from church and the Air Force. A great group of guys who were there when I needed a boost or a push.
We had crazy obstacles to get through. Here I am entering a dark mud tunnel.Running through deep mud...
...crawling through mud...
...and running through more mud. Did I mention there was a lot of mud?!?Completely muddy and having SO MUCH FUN!!
My team made it through the 11.8 mile course together - cold, exhausted and very proud of ourselves. I am sore in random places and have a few scratches and bruises. Zeb was excited I made it home alive. When he found out what I was doing he was super nervous. When he heard I made it through okay he included in his night prayer: "Thank you that Dad didn't get electrocuted by those wires and get killed."